The effects of weight loss that no one ever talks about…

The worst case scenario that we tend to consider when dieting is that we may fail, fall off the band-wagon or regain whatever weight we may have just lost. – 
What is probably more important to consider is the effects that may develop from depriving your body of essential food groups and nutrients❣️.
Consuming less energy than your basal metabolic rate (BMR) for prolonged periods of time can lead to;

1️⃣Dizziness, fatigue and inability to concentrate.
2️⃣Abnormally low blood pressure and heart rate.
3️⃣Hair loss, brittle nails and bad skin.
4️⃣Loss of menstrual periods in women and potentially infertility.
6️⃣ Depression.
7️⃣Light hair growth all over body.
8️⃣Constant low body temperature.
9️⃣Brittle bones, decreased bone density and a loss of muscle mass.

Prioritise your health over everything and if you feel as though you may be experiencing any of the listed symptoms, speak to a health care professional or please drop me message.